Attention Classmates!
Please check the Classmate Search
to help us keep your contact information current.
This will help us plan for future events!

**It would help if you let us know your contact info is current.**

Update your information below. Thank you.

First Name:
Last Name(s):  
(Last Name you had in High School, then your current name if different)
   (example: 916-555-1234)
City:   State Zip
We welcome your comments:

Please help in locating our classmates.  Please review the Classmate database on our website and help us with any updates we need to know about.


Submit the form above or
you may also send an email message to Dave Soltis -

View Class Reunion photos

** If anyone has any digital pictures of the reunion(s) they wish to add to this site,
please send them to Dave Soltis -

For information regarding this website